Illinois Dressage and Combined Training Association

Scribe Advertising Rates

All Ads must be prepaid and received by the 10th of the preceding month. Ads must be “camera-ready” and sized to fit; those requiring extra work may be subject to additional graphics charges.

Display Ad Rates 1X 6X* 12X*
Full page $40.00 $38.00/mo ($228) $35.00/mo. ($420)
Half Page $25.00 $23.00/mo ($138) $20.00/mo. ($240)
Third Page $20.00 $18.00/mo ($108) $15.00/mo. ($180)
Quarter Page $15.00 $13.00/mo ($78) $10.00/mo. ($120)
Business Card $10.00 $8.00/mo ($48) $5.00/mo. ($60)
SPONSOR Business Card FREE**    

**Businesses offering IDCTA members a 10% discount may run a business card size ad in the IDCTA Scribe FREE OF CHARGE. Ad MUST include the words “10% discount for IDCTA members.” No limit on times ad is run provided conditions are met.

*The entire amount of the ad run must be paid at the time the ad is placed in order to obtain the multiple insertion discount.

Classifieds: (Sorry, there is no discount for multiple classified insertions)
Members: 50 words FREE (Additional words are 10¢ each.)
Non-members: 10¢ per word. Payment MUST accompany order.

Ad Payment: Ads must be paid in full by deadline. Please make all checks payable to IDCTA, and mail to Mary Jo Downen, 33062 Pearl St., Kirkland, IL 60146. NEW: We now accept payment for display ads via PayPal! Please select the appropriate button below to securely complete your transaction via PayPal:


Full Page Display Ad:

Number of Insertions

Half Page Display Ad:

Number of Insertions

Third Page Display Ad:

Number of Insertions

Quarter Page Display Ad:

Number of Insertions


Business Card Display Ad:

Number of Insertions

Copy Submission Guidelines:
Preferred file formats are: Press-ready PDF, TIF, JPEG, EPS, AI (all fonts converted to outlines).The following formats are not preferred but will be accepted: InDesign (CS6 or below, fonts to outlines and links included), Illustrator (CS6 or below, fonts to outlines and links included), CorelDraw (all fonts and links included), Microsoft Publisher (all fonts included), Microsoft Word (all fonts included).The Scribe can also scan your hard copy; however, we can not be responsible for the quality of reproduced pre-printed copy.The Scribe is not responsible for any ad that is not submitted properly sized and in the proper format. If your ad is close to our stated sizes, we will adjust to fit. However, if there is a significant sizing issue, you will be contacted and asked to re-size your ad or pay an additional charge for us to do so. The Scribe can put together an ad for you at an additional cost; please contact Mary Jo at or 815-522-2285 for a quote.